Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Misspelled Tattoos Happen More Than You May Think – Misspelled Tattoos

One of the worst things that could happen to a person getting a tattoo is realizing that afterward the tattoo is misspelled. Nine time out of ten there is nothing that can be done to fix that tattoo, so you end up having to live with it or you have to choice of trying to cover it up. This is why it is so important to follow the spell check rule before getting a tattoo. First make sure you know the correct spelling and as silly as it sounds make sure your tattoo artist know the correct spelling. But following these simply steps it should ensure that you will not receive a misspelled tattoo.
However, it will more than likely turn into a nice conversation piece and you will probably learn to laugh about it later in life. Well it seems that regular people are not immune the the misspelled tattoo fortune. Many high profile celebrities have fallen victim to this as well.
Hero’s star Hayden Panettiere has recently been showing off a new tattoo that is on her side. It reads “vivere senza rimipianti” which is Italian for “to live with no regrets” well the sad thing is rimipianti was spelled with an extra “i”. It is probably a safe bet that she does regret that. Also mega hot soccer star, David Beckham has a misspelled tattoo of his wife’s name. What David wanted was Victoria” in Sanskrit What He Got was something totally different. He got “Vihctoria” in Sanskrit. Pop star Britney Spears wanted the Chines character for “Mysterious”, what she got was the Chinese character Strange”. Lastly, Rihanna wanted “Forgiveness, Honesty, Suppression and Control” in Sanskrit and she got “Forgiveness, Honesty, Suppression and Control” misspelled in Sanskrit.

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